Harlequin for Libraries

Harlequin for Libraries

Cooper's Charm cover

EW.com featured Lori Foster’s Cooper’s Charm [HQN], a two-romances-in-one story set against the backdrop of a charming camping resort of the same name, in its round-up Hot Stuff: July romance novels tackle tricky tropesAnd they threw in this fun comp to a cult film favorite for good measure:

“The story is a heart-warming tale of four broken people whose affection and care for one another helps them to heal in myriad ways. Foster crafts real, believable bonds between all her characters, building up a world of camp employees who feel like the close-knit cast of characters you only ever see in movies like Dirty Dancing.”

Considering that Dirty Dancing is one of the most romantic movies of all time, this is not too shabby a compliment! Don’t miss Cooper’s Charm, the pitch-perfect read for summer, on sale today. Just don’t, you know, read it in a corner. 😝

(Also available in hardcover form, just for libraries!)